What’s Up Monday?

I know, I know, it’s like the first day of school and you just really did not want to wake up this morning! I woke up feeling the exact same way. However, in classic Atlanta fashion, there are a ton of great shows tonight, so why don’t you start your holiday season off right and check out one of these little beauties!

-Half of mega country stars, Sugarland, Kristian Bush will be at Eddie’s Attic tonight! This show will be packed, so purchase now!

Megadeth! Tonight at the Tabernacle the long-haired ones will be out in packs!

David Bazan was, for many years, the songwriter and driving force behind the acclaimed indie band Pedro the Lion, building a dedicated following and selling a couple hundred-thousand albums based in large part on his extraordinary melodic sense and erudite, theologically-themed songs. Catch him tonight at The Earl.

-“It’s true, Om‘s bass player and vocalist Al Cisneros is the former backbone for almighty stoner rock gods Sleep. But now performing alongside Emil Amos (drums) and guitarist Robert A.A. Lowe (vocals, guitar, percussion), the group mines a darker, spiritually ornate strata of doom-laced drone rock.” See them at the 529.


  1. OM! OM! OM!

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