Jerry Cantrell at Buckhead Theatre 02/15/25
Photos by Alexandra Scuffle
Photos by Alexandra Scuffle
Here’s a quick look at the best shows and events happening in Atlanta this weekend Thursday, September 5th through Sunday, September 8th! The National Parks & WILD at Vinyl – Atlanta Thursday, September 5th at 8:00pm Event Link The National Parks was formed by Brady Parks in 2013 in Provo, Utah and has since […]
Photos by Ryan Fleisher
By Jhoni Jackson O’Brother has been on a heck-of-a-ride these past few years. The notches in the Atlanta band’s touring belt are enviable: The Features, Thrice, Moving Mountains, Junius and, most recently, Alice in Chains. (Let’s not forget their frequent pairing with their pals in Manchester Orchestra, either.) The ethereal, epic-leaning rock act’s stint with AIC […]
By Ellen Eldridge Upon hearing the first grungy bend of “Hollow” on The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here, the fifth studio release by Alice In Chains, fans will quickly need to reconcile their feelings on whether or not the band is stretching its musical wings enough, but the future looks bright for this group of survivors […]
Review by Ellen Eldridge; photo by Robb Cohen The tour title, BlackDiamondSkye, creatively showed the unity between bands Mastodon, Deftones, and Alice In Chains, but, at the same time, the bands’ combination of words from the latest album releases lead to the realization that had they stuck with the first word from each release the […]
Ultimate Celebrity Death Match? Nah, but wouldn’t that be awesome? Christina Aguilera with Leona Lewis, Thursday – August 5 at Aaron’s Amphitheater at Lakewood Xtina is back this summer with her new record BIONIC out June 8, a new tour, and – we can only assume – a new shiny dominatrix getup. Tickets for Christina Aguilera […]
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