CD Review: Tom Goss — Back to Love…

CD Review: Tom Goss — Back to Love…

Tom GossBack to Love… By Al Kaufman As You Tube sensation Susan Boyle demonstrated, you can't judge a singer by his or her looks. On the cover of Back to Love…Tom Goss looks like a slight, New Agey guy with a reed-like voice. What he actually is, is a pop tunesmith with gritty, somewhat nasally vocals […]

CD Review: PT Walkley — Mr. Macy Wakes Alone

CD Review: PT Walkley — Mr. Macy Wakes Alone

PT WalkleyMr. Macy Wakes Alone By Eileen Tilson Once upon a time, musical troubadours would travel around town to town singing the news of distant lands. They were the pied pipers of their time, drawing in their audience with a plot filled with twists and turns, and intricate characters. In PT Walkley’s first solo project […]

Q&A with Kyle Gordon of Young Orchids – Playing Big Trouble In Little Five Points This Thursday!

Q&A with Kyle Gordon of Young Orchids – Playing Big Trouble In Little Five Points This Thursday!

The band, performing before Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, outside Atlanta's Center Stage, March 20. By Julia Reidy Young Orchids is the latest musical brainchild of Kyle Gordon, previously of Atlanta rockers The Booze, KillGordon and Ski Club. Though the group is new, these pros aren’t as delicate as the name suggests. Along with Ski […]

Ticket Alternative in the AJC Again!

Ticket Alternative in the AJC Again!

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has written a lovely piece about Ticket Alternative, with an interview with our company's two founders, Jamie Dwyer and Iain Bluett. Here's a snippet: Jamie Dwyer and Iain Bluett were just a couple of indie music fans five years ago when they had a brainstorm that became a business. “We were constantly […]

Help Save Paste Magazine!

Help Save Paste Magazine!

A quick bit of disclosure regarding my (Leila, editor of Atlanta Music Guide) connection with Paste – I was an intern and writer there and am now married to Tim, the president of the company. So obviously this cause is going to be super-close to me. But even if it wasn't, in my humble opinion, […]

Live Review: Kevin Devine @ Vinyl, May 8

Live Review: Kevin Devine @ Vinyl, May 8

By Ben Grad Seeing your favorite singer/songwriter play in person is always disappointing. With a rock band, you expect the muddier live sound – that in-your-face, energetic dissonance is part of what defines “rock.” But singer/songwriters (even ones who play with three-piece backup bands, like Kevin Devine) are defined by the clarity of their sound […]

NARAS’s Quest for a Performance Right for Artists on AM/FM Radio

NARAS’s Quest for a Performance Right for Artists on AM/FM Radio

We recently received this email from our local NARAS chapter and thought it would be worth sharing with all our musician and fans of musician friends out there: From the President/CEO of the Recording Academy. In February, I told our worldwide GRAMMY telecast audience about our quest for a performance right for artists on AM/FM […]