Smith’s Olde Bar Gears Up for 500 Songs For Kids, April 28 – May 7

Smith’s Olde Bar Gears Up for 500 Songs For Kids, April 28 – May 7

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach This quote really sums up the mission behind Songs For Kids Foundation. The Songs For Kids Foundation brings musicians to children’s hospitals and special needs camps. For a brief moment of their day, these children get to forget what ails them and […]

CD Review: Low — C’mon

Low C’mon Sub Pop By Ellen Eldridge Seeking a sound that hangs low? Low’s new release, C’mon, hits like a thunderstorm’s rain breaks through a hot day’s humidity. The feeling of pregnant clouds expanding to release comes across in the vocals starting with the first track, “Try To Sleep.” To say this album shines would […]

CD Review: Daddy A Go Go — Grandkid Rock

Daddy A Go Go Grandkid Rock Boyd’s Tone Records By Al Kaufman Here’s why Atlanta’s John Boydston, AKA Daddy A Go Go, is important for America. While the tinny tunes of Kindermuusik and The Wiggles prepare our little ones for the sexed up, but equally soulless, Rebecca Black or Justin Bieber, Daddy A Go Go […]