What’s Up Monday?

How was your weekend y’all? I have to admit I did not sleep very well, and I am sort of looking like Return of the Dead this morning….needless to say, mucho coffee will be necessary. If you feel like going out tonight and shaking your tail feathers, might I suggest some of these fun little ditties: […]

5GB With Milo Greene: Playing Drunken Unicorn, Saturday, July 21st

  Milo Greene is not real. However, the fictitious character that is Milo Greene is very much alive. Lacking an actual manager, college classmates Andrew Heringer, Robbie Arnett, and Marlana Sheetz concocted a virtual one – Milo Greene – to promote their individual musical efforts. It wasn’t until 2009 that the three began creating music together. While house […]

AMG Weekend Picks! Nicki Minaj, Milo Greene, Blair Crimmins and The Hookers, Neulore, and More

I hope you’re staying in town this weekend because there are so many great concerts happening! From Rap to Rock to Country, Atlanta has all the genres covered this weekend! Send your tweets & pics to @AtlantaMusic while you’re at the shows and we’ll share them! Friday, July 20- Neko Case with Kelly Hogan at […]

5GB With Kelly Hogan; Playing Tonight @ Atlanta Botanical Garden With Neko Case

Atlanta native Kelly Hogan is back in her hometown tonight playing with her employer Neko Case (she is in her backup band). In the 1990s, Hogan sang with The Jody Grind (with Bill Taft), singing on their full-lengths One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure (1990) and Lefty’s Deceiver (1992). The group disbanded after two […]

5GB With Jamie Teachenor; Playing Eddie’s Attic Tonight With Rudy Currence, July 19th

Jamie Teachenor is a Nashville singer/songwriter who’s songs, first appeared on the charts in 2005 with Blaine Larsen’s debut hit single, “How Do You Get That Lonely”, a song that is a powerful message in the face of suicide. Teachenor has also had songs recorded by Joey+Rory, Kevin Denney, Gretchen Wilson, Montgomery Gentry, Trisha Yearwood, […]

CD Review: Milo Greene’s Self-Titled Debut Album, Released Tuesday, July 17

By Jamie Lamberski “Who is Milo Greene?” Well, the person Milo Greene doesn’t actually exist. But the 5-piece California-based band that is making major waves in the indie music scene does. Milo Greene is the fictitious manager that the band invented as a clever scheme to get heard. Instead of querying venues themselves, their manager […]

Film Review: “Shut Up and Play the Hits”- A Documentary on LCD Soundsystem

By Codi Glancy Directed by Dylan Southern and Will Lovelace, “Shut Up and Play the Hits” opened last night across the country. The critically acclaimed documentary follows James Murphy, the lead singer of LCD Soundsystem, a week before their final show at Madison Square Garden on April 2, 2011. The film was shown in multiple […]

5GB & Win Tickets With He’s My Brother She’s My Sister; Playing The Earl Tonight With Golden Animals

He’s My Brother She’s My Sister seem to invite a broad range of colorful words to describe their music and performances: “flamboyant folk,” “psych-acoustic,” “estranged and glamorous” and “vaudeville-y.” No doubt this is due to their mélange of musical styles, both modern and antique; their eccentric attire and sense of expression, both sincere and theatrical; […]

What’s Up Thursday?

Well thank the stars above that this week is almost over!!! I’m not sure about you, but this week has been dragging! Let the fin begin with some our picks for this fine Thursday eve.. -As a little punk rock girl, I would definitely be on my way to Athens tonight to see Clutch and […]