If we’re missing your band, please contact us via Facebook
Links to Atlanta bands:
2 Lane Blacktop |
www.2laneblacktopband.com |
13 Stories |
www.13stories.com |
23 Jinx |
www.23jinx.com |
1000 Fires |
www.1000fires.com |
5050Shot |
www.5050shot.com |
700 South |
www.700south.com |
Abort Restart |
www.myspace.com/abortrestart |
Abyss |
www.abyssonline.net |
Adelayda |
www.adelayda.com |
Afar |
www.afarmusic.com |
Aerial |
www.aerial2012.com |
The AJ Ghent Band |
www.ajghentband.com |
Almost Legendary |
www.almostlegendarymusic.com |
Altered |
www.alteredband.com |
Amsterdam Station |
www.amsterdamstation.com |
latexrecords.com/artists/amul9.html |
Anchor |
www.anchorband.com |
The Anchor Lights |
www.myspace.com/theanchorlights |
Andy Kropf |
www.andykropfband.com |
Animal & the Evolvers |
www.animalandtheevolvers.com |
Ann Bolynn |
www.myspace.com/annbolynn |
The Apostles |
www.apostlesmusic.com |
Apple-O |
www.s4ti.com |
Arlington Priest |
www.arlingtonpriest.com |
Armani Death Machine |
www.armanideathmachine.com |
Aslyn |
www.aslyn.net |
Attention System |
www.myspace.com/attentionsystem |
Attractive Eighties Women |
www.attractiveeightieswomen.com |
Austre Giltrap |
www.myspace.com/austregiltrapband |
Bachelor Red |
www.bachelorred.com |
Bandwidth |
www.bandwidthband.com |
Bain Mattox |
www.bainmattox.com |
The Bastard Suns |
www.myspace.com/thebastardsuns |
Bay City Psychos |
www.myspace.com/baycitypsychos |
Beatrix Kiddo |
www.myspace.com/beatrixkiddomusic |
Beautiful Mess |
www.myspace.com/beautifulmess |
Before the Solstice |
www.myspace.com/beforethesolstice |
The Beggars’ Guild |
www.myspace.com/thebeggarsguild |
Besides Daniel |
www.BesidesDaniel.com |
Bigfoot |
www.myspace.com/bigfootrocksatlanta |
The Birds and the Bees |
www.thebirdsandthebeesband.com |
Blake Rainey |
www.myspace.com/blakerainey |
Blaming Tim |
www.blamingtim.com |
Blankety Blank |
www.blanketyblankband.com |
Blind Crush |
www.blindcrush.net |
Blood Oaks |
www.myspace.com/BloodOaks |
The Blue Hour |
www.thebluehour.com |
Blue Of Noon |
www.myspace.com/blueofnoon |
Branded With Fear |
www.brandedwithfear.net |
Brass Knuckle Surfer |
www.brassknucklesurfer.com |
Brett Schieber |
www.brettmusic.net |
Butch Walker |
www.butchwalker.com |
Butta B-Rocka Band |
www.buttabrocka.com |
Buy Wag |
www.myspace.com/buywag |
Cadillac Jones |
www.cadillacjones.com |
The Californias |
www.thecalifornias.tk |
Capgun Criminals |
www.myspace.com/capguncriminals |
Capibara |
www.myspace.com/WeAreCapibara |
Cartel |
www.cartelrocks.com |
The Celestial Inferno |
www.thecelestialinferno.com/a> |
Chase56 |
www.chase56.com |
Chip Houston |
www.chiphouston.com |
Chin Dig |
www.myspace.com/ChinDigBand |
Chris + Clay |
www.myspace.com/chrisandclay |
Chroma |
www.myspace.com/chromaatl |
Cinetrope |
www.cinetrope.net |
Clap for Daylight |
www.myspace.com/clapfordaylight |
The Coathangers |
www.thecoathangers.com |
The Cogburns |
www.cogburns.com |
Collective Efforts |
www.collectiveeffortsmusic.com |
Contraption |
www.contraptionface.com |
The Commitaphobics |
www.thecommitaphobics.com |
Copacetic |
www.myspace.com/copacetic2 |
Copeland |
www.thecopelandsite.com |
Crazy Anglos |
www.crazyanglos.com |
Crossroads |
www.myspace.com/mcdonoughcrossroadsband |
Crumbling Arches |
www.crumblingarches.net |
Crumsy Pirates |
www.myspace.com/crumsypirates |
Crushed Ice |
www.crushediceband.com |
Cypress |
www.cypresssound.com |
David Berkely |
www.davidberkeley.com |
David Roland |
www.davidroland.com |
Death is a Dialogue |
www.deathisadialogue.com |
Death On Two Wheels |
www.deathontwoweheels.com |
Deerhunter |
dieslaughterhausrecords.com/deerhunter/ |
Defriender |
www.defriender.com |
Dented |
www.myspace.com/dented |
Dexter Freebish |
www.dexterfreebish.com |
Diesel Jones |
www.dieseljones.com |
The Divide |
www.myspace.com/thebandthedivide |
Divine Isis |
www.myspace.com/559434116 |
DocRoc |
www.myspace.com/docrocband |
The Drexlers |
www.thedrexlers.net |
Droid Android |
www.droidandroid.com |
Dropsonic |
www.dropsonic.com |
Drums And Effects |
www.mindspring.com/~gasmask/dfx.html |
The Dyslexics |
www.bz70.com |
Echoes End |
www.myspace.com/echoesend |
Echovalve |
www.echovalve.com |
Eden |
www.edenatlanta.com |
Eliot James and the Snakes |
www.eliotjamesandthesnakes.com |
Electric Brandy |
www.myspace.com/walkhumclif |
Elocia |
www.elocia.com |
Elevado |
www.elevado.com |
Emerald City |
www.emeraldcityus.com |
www.entertainme-nt.com |
Entropy |
www.entropyfunk.com |
E.X. Vortex |
exvortex.indiegroup.com |
evered |
www.myspace.com/everedrocks |
The Extraordinary Contraptions |
www.theextraordinarycontraptions.com |
The Falcon Lords |
www.falconlords.com |
Fernando |
www.fernandoband.com |
Film |
www.planetfilm.com |
Fire And Ice |
www.fireandiceline.com |
The Fire Tonight |
www.facebook.com/thefiretonight |
Five Star Iris |
www.fivestariris.com |
Family Force 5 |
www.myspace.com/familyforce5 |
FishHawk |
www.myspace.com/fishhawkinthesky |
Floored |
www.facebook.com/flooredatl |
The Forty Fives |
www.thefortyfives.com |
Frenzy |
www.4frenzy.com |
Fulturn Jones |
www.myspace.com/fulturnjones |
Fusebox |
www.xobesuf.com |
Future Hero |
www.futurehero.net |
Geisha Hit Squad |
www.myspace.com/geishahitsquad |
Georgia |
www.georgiatheband.com |
GirlParts |
www.girlpartsband.com |
Golden |
www.goldentheband.com |
Good Friday Experiment |
www.goodfridayexperiment.com |
GoodNight City |
www.gncmusic.com |
Greedy White Citizens |
www.gwcmusic.com |
Gringo Star |
www.myspace.com/gringostar |
Groupie |
www.groupiewebsite.com |
Groovestain |
www.groovestain.com |
Gurufish |
www.gurufish.com |
Hal9000 |
www.hal9000rocks.com |
Half Black Lit Shack |
www.halfblacklitshack.com |
Harrison Brown |
www.purevolume.com/harrisonbrown |
Haunting Eden |
www.hauntingeden.com |
The Head |
www.theheadrocks.com |
Heavy Mojo |
www.heavymojomusic.com |
Helios |
www.heliosmusic.com |
High Cotton |
www.highcottonatl.com |
Hiram |
www.gethiram.com |
The Hill Valley Preservation Society |
www.hvps.org |
Hills Rolling |
www.myspace.com/hillsrolling |
His Unraveling Mind |
www.myspace.com/hisunravelingmind |
Holdcell |
www.holdcell.net |
The Holland Dutch |
www.thehollanddutch.com |
Honestly |
www.honestlyband.com |
Horrible Idea |
www.horribleidea.com |
Hotel |
www.hoteltheband.com |
The Hot Rods |
www.thehotrodsband.com |
Hot Young Priest |
www.hotyoungpriest.com |
The Howling Tongues |
www.thehowlingtongues.com |
Hugh Vaughan |
www.reverbnation.com/hughvaughan |
I Almost Saw God On The Metro |
www.almostsawgod.com |
Ill Mic |
www.illmic.com |
Injected |
www.injected.net |
The Issues |
www.theissuesrock.com |
Jackson County Line |
www.jacksoncountyline.com |
Jackson Sneed |
www.jacksonsneed.com |
JaD |
www.jadtheband.com |
Jahah |
www.bz70.com |
James Henley Band |
www.jameshenleyband.com |
Jango Monkey |
www.jangomonkey.com |
Java Monkey |
www.java-monkey.com |
Jesse Nobody |
www.myspace.com/jessenobody |
Jessica Urick |
www.jessicaurick.com |
Jetty |
www.jettymusic.com |
Jil Station |
www.jilstation.com |
Joe and The Jungel |
www.facebook.com/joeandthejungle |
John Pringle |
www.johnpringlemusic.com |
Judi Chicago |
www.myspace.com/judichicago |
The Julia Dream |
www.thejuliadream.com |
Jungol |
www.jungol.net |
The Jupiter Watts |
www.thejupiterwatts.com |
Justin Rosolino |
www.justinrosolino.com |
Kelsy Davis & The Radical Soul |
www.kdandtheradicalsoul.com |
www.myspace.com/kevotheartist |
Kingaldo |
www.myspace.com/kingnaldoworld |
Kirk McMillan |
www.kirkmcmillan.com |
The Kiwis |
www.kiwirock.net |
The Kimballs |
www.thekimballsrock.com |
Koivu |
www.koivu.org |
Kristen Justice |
www.kristenjustice.com |
Kurt Scobie |
www.kurtscobie.com |
Kurtz |
www.kurtzatl.com |
Last |
www.myspace.com/thelastband |
Last Five Standing |
www.lastfivestanding.com |
Last November |
www.lastnovember.com |
Last Relapse |
www.myspace.com/lastrelapse |
Lazyeye |
www.lazyeyemusic.com |
League Of Evil |
www.loemusic.com |
Lefty Williams |
www.lefty-music.com |
Legend Has It |
www.legendhasit.net |
The Less |
www.thelessband.com |
Life & Limb |
www.myspace.com/lifenlimb |
Lights Out |
www.lightsoutmusic.com |
Like Clockwork |
www.likeclockwork.net |
The Likes Of Which |
www.thelikesofwhich.tv |
Lindsay Rakers Band |
www.lindsayrakersband.com |
Line Of Sight |
www.lineofsightmusic.com |
Linger |
www.lingermusic.com |
Listen 2 Three |
www.listen2three.com |
Little G Weevil |
www.littlegweevil.com |
The Lord Is My Shotgun |
www.myspace.com/thelordismyshotgun |
Lost In Rome |
www.lostinrome.com |
Loud American Tourists |
www.loudamericantourists.com |
Love Rush |
www.myspace.com/loverushmusic |
Luigi |
www.luigitheband.com |
Tyler Lyle |
myspace.com/tylerlyle |
M1 Garand |
www.myspace.com/m1garandmusic |
Madoca |
www.madoca.biz |
Magnapop |
www.magnapop.com |
Margins of Society |
www.marginsofsociety.com |
Marshall Seese |
www.marshallseese.com |
Mass Reflection |
www.mass-reflection.com |
Mastodon |
www.mastodonrocks.com |
Mayhem Hero |
www.mayhemhero.com |
Meghan Coffee |
www.meghancoffee.com |
Metreaux |
www.myspace.com/uptownmetreaux |
Metroscene |
www.metroscenemusic.com |
Metro Well |
www.metrowell.com |
Minus.Driver |
www.minusmusic.com |
Misfilter |
www.misfilter.com |
Miss Nova |
www.missnova.com |
Molly Bancroft |
www.mollybancroft.com |
Moments From Impact |
www.momentsfromimpact.com |
Moontower |
www.myspace.com/moontower |
The Name |
www.wearethename.com |
Nanyana |
www.nanyana.com |
The Nashvillain Family Band |
www.myspace.com/thenashvillainfamilyband |
Nathan Sexton |
www.myspace.com/nathansextonmusic |
National Grain |
www.nationalgrain.net |
Nerd Parade |
www.thenerdparade.com |
Nekkid |
www.myspace.com/nekkid |
New Terminus |
www.newterminusmusic.com |
New Trainers with Chinese Tongues |
www.myspace.com/newtrainerswithchinesetongues |
Nice Guy |
www.niceguy.com |
Nick Longo Band |
www.nicklongomusic.com |
Nillah |
www.nillah.net |
Noot D’ Noot |
www.myspace.com/nootdnoot |
www.myspace.com/noparachuteband |
Ocha la Rocha |
www.myspace.com/ochalarocha |
Odist |
www.myspace.com/enjoyodist |
One Last Second |
www.onelastsecond.com |
The Orphins |
www.theorphins.com |
Otium |
www.myspace.com/thisisotium |
Outshine |
www.outshinemusic.com |
Over October |
www.overoctober.com |
Overwhelmed |
www.overwhelmedonline.com |
Pacifico |
www.pacificorock.com |
The Paper Champions |
www.thepaperchampions.com |
Paperstreet |
www.paperstreetband.com |
Parade |
www.weareparade.com |
Passer By |
www.passerbyband.com |
The Pennies |
www.thepennies.org |
Pink Pompeii |
www.myspace.com/pinkpompeii |
Plan B |
www.ontoplanb.com |
Planet Rock |
www.facebook.com/pages/Planet-Rock |
Playground Rivals |
www.playgroundrivals.com |
PoPad |
www.popadtheband.com |
Ponderosa |
www.myspace.com/ponderosamusic |
Powerline |
http://hometown.aol.com/a1powerline/index.html |
Princess La Tremenda |
http://www.princessmusica.com |
Psyche Origami |
www.psycheorigami.com |
Psychic Hearts |
www.psychichearts.net |
P.U.S.H. |
www.allaboutpush.com |
The Quarry Rats |
www.myspace.com/quarryratz |
Reasons And Rhymes |
www.reasonsandrhymes.com |
The Rantings of Eva |
www.therantingsofeva.com |
Reckless Creation |
www.myspace.com/recklesscreation |
The Redaction |
www.theredaction.net |
Red Letter Agent |
www.redletteragent.com |
Red Rocket Delux |
www.myspace.com/redrocketdeluxe |
Red Tree |
www.redtreemusic.com |
Republik |
www.republikrock.com |
Revolver |
www.revolverband.net |
The Regulars Band |
The Rise of Science |
www.myspace.com/theriseofscience |
Riverside |
www.sittingriverside.com |
Rockets To Ruin |
www.rocketstoruin.com |
Rollerphone |
www.rollerphone.com |
Rolling Nowhere |
www.rollingnowhere.com |
Romeo Spike |
www.romeospike.com |
Rox |
www.myspace.com/roxatlanta |
Royal 7 |
www.royal7.com |
The Roy Owens Jr. |
www.theroyownensjr.com |
Ruby |
www.rubyband.net |
Rufuss Sun |
www.rufussun.com |
Russ McLaughlin |
www.itsruss.com |
Russell Barron Band |
www.myspace.com/russellbarronband |
Ryan McDougall |
www.ryanmcdougall.com |
Safe Word |
www.myspace.com/safewordatl |
Saint Jude |
www.saintjudeonline.com |
Salomes Wish |
www.salomeswish.com |
Sam’s Crossing |
www.samscrossing.com |
Sam Thacker |
www.samthacker.com |
Sativa |
www.sativamusic.tk |
Satellite District |
www.myspace.com/satellitedistrict |
Scott England |
www.scottengland.com |
Scott Downes |
www.scottdownes.com |
Sealions |
www.sealionsmusic.com |
The Selmanaires |
www.myspace.com/theselmanaires |
Sentiment Machine |
www.sentimentmachine.com |
The Seraphix |
www.theseraphix.com |
The Serenaders |
www.myspace.com/theatlantaserenaders |
Sev’n 9 |
www.sevn9.com |
Seven Sharp Nine |
www.sevensharpnine.com |
Shadow Life |
www.shadowlife.com |
The Shadow Line |
www.theshadowline.com |
The Shanghai Gesture |
www.myspace.com/theshanghaigesture |
Sharks and Minnows |
www.sharksandminnowsmusic.com |
The Shut-Ups |
www.shutups.com |
Sickboy |
www.sickboynoise.com |
The Sightseers |
www.thesightseers.com |
Silent Kids |
www.silentkids.com |
The Six Shot Revival |
www.sixshotrevival.com |
Skybucket |
www.skybucket.net |
The Slack Republic |
www.theslackrepublic.com |
Sleep Therapy |
www.myspace.com/sleeptherapyatl |
The Slow Club |
www.slowclubmusic.com |
Slowearth |
www.slowearth.com |
Slow Motion Crash |
www.slowmotioncrash.com |
Smalltown Mayors |
www.myspace.com/smalltownmayors |
Snowden |
www.snowden.info |
Solroc |
www.solroc.net |
Solution Science Systems |
www.solutionsciencesystems.com |
Somarosa |
www.somarosa.com |
Somedaynew |
www.somedaynew.com |
Sonen |
www.sonenmusic.com |
Sonia Leigh |
www.sonialeigh.com |
Sophia Darcell |
www.sophiadarcell.com |
Soulbread |
www.myspace.com/soulbread74 |
Soulhound |
www.soulhound.com |
Sound Detour |
www.myspace.com/sounddetour |
Sound Device |
www.soundevice.net |
South 70 |
www.south70.com |
South City Riot |
www.myspace.com/southcityriot |
SPAREchange |
www.spare-change-band.com |
Spectralux |
www.spectralux.net |
www.spiritmachinemusic.com |
Stand Alone |
www.myspace.com/standalonemusic2005 |
Stankhooliganz |
www.stankhooliganz.com |
Static Union |
www.staticunion.net |
Stereo Then Video |
www.motherloader.net |
Stevie Monce |
www.steviemonce.com |
Stokeswood |
www.stokeswood.net |
Stone Mountain Freeway |
www.myspace.com/stonemountainfreeway |
Subject2Change |
www.subject2change.net |
Suburban Camoflage |
www.myspace.com/subcam |
Sue Wilkinson |
www.suewilkinson.com |
Sunday Munich |
kyan.com/sundaymunich |
Supermatic |
www.supermatic.net |
Swamp Funk Quartet |
www.myspace.com/bluesman5365 |
The Swear |
www.theswear.com |
www.myspace.com/sydefxmusic |
Tach |
www.4tach.com |
Tayl |
www.taylmusic.com |
Tealights |
www.ilovetealights.com |
Telegram |
www.telegrammusic.com |
Ten Story Relapse |
www.tenstoryrelapse.com |
Tentonic |
www.tentonic.com |
That Rabbit’s Dyn-o-mite! |
www.dynobunny.com |
That 30/60 |
www.myspace.com/that3060 |
This I Believe |
www.myspace.com/thisibelieverocks |
Threat 13 |
www.threat13.com |
Tie Dyed Nightmare Machine |
www.myspace.com/TieDyedNightmareMachine |
Tim Brantley |
www.timbrantley.com |
The Tin Roof |
www.thetinroof.com |
Today the Moon, Tomorrow the Sun |
www.myspace.com/todaythemoontomorrowthesun |
The Tom Collins |
www.thetomcollins.com |
Toy Devils |
www.myspace.com/toydevils |
Transloader |
www.myspace.com/transloadermusic |
Trances Arc |
www.trancesarc.com |
Trench Party |
www.myspace.com/jakesmusic1 |
Trial By Fire |
www.myspace.com/thetrialbyfireband |
TxRx |
www.txrxmusic.com |
Twelfth Planet |
www.twelfthplanet.org |
Uberstout |
www.myspace.com/uberstout |
UltraBabyFat |
www.ultrababyfat.com |
Uncle Joe’s Medicine Show |
www.myspace.com/unclejoesmedicineshow |
Under The Radar |
www.undertheradarband.com |
United |
www.bandunited.com |
The Unusual Suspects |
www.suspectsrock.com |
Unzipt |
www.unzipt.com |
Valbanera |
www.myspace.com/valbanera |
Verge of Bliss |
www.vergeofbliss.com |
Vetta |
www.vettaband.com |
Vices of Vanity |
www.myspace.com/vicesofvanity |
Void Where Prohibited |
www.vwpband.com |
Von Grey |
www.vongreymusic.com |
The Warm Gunns |
www.thewarmgunns.com |
Wastegate |
www.wastegateband.com |
Waving At Strangers |
www.wavingatstrangers.com |
White Winged Dove Band |
www.whitewingeddoveband.com |
Winters Chapel |
www.myspace.com/winterschapelband |
The Worx |
www.theworx.org |
The Wreckoning |
www.thewreckoning.com |
Written In Red |
www.writteninredonline.com |
Yellow Shirt Kid |
www.yskid.tk |
Y.O.U |
www.pleaserock.com |
Young Antiques |
www.myspace.com/youngantiquesrock |
Zerochance |
www.zerochance.net |
Zoroaster |
www.myspace.com/thezoroaster |
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